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我院胡晓东教授接受《中国日报(CHINA DAILY)》采访

作者: 发布时间:2023-08-23 阅读数:

2023年7月28日,纪检监察机关配合开展全国医药领域腐败问题集中整治工作动员部署视频会议在北京召开,受到了全社会的广泛关注。2023年8月18日,《中国日报(CHINA DAILY)》记者就近日“纪检监察机关配合开展全国医药领域腐败问题”采访了我院胡晓东教授。





Hu Xiaodong, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law’s School of Political Science and Public Administration, said that over the years, most anti-corruption drives in the healthcare sector have centered on wrongdoing involving kickbacks given by pharmaceutical companies to doctors, and gifts from patients to doctors.

“But the scope of this latest investigation extends to hospital presidents and secretaries, heads of clinic departments and administrative officials. The form of corruption being investigated is also more varied,” he said.

Selling products at high prices is a common malpractice among pharmaceutical suppliers. These vastly inflated prices enable them to bribe hospital staff members.

Hu said a typical case was revealed by anti-corruption authorities in Guangdong province on Aug 1.

Hu said, “The case shows how corrupt acts can drive up expenses shouldered by patients and impact people’s sense of happiness, satisfaction and security in society.”

Hu said: “Retaining skilled healthcare workers and purchasing high-end equipment cost enormous amounts of money, but funds provided by governments are limited. With marketization of the medical field, hospitals are easily lured into choosing suppliers that offer additional benefits.”

He added that two groups are the most likely to commit offenses — hospital administrators who have the power to allocate resources, and doctors who write prescriptions and devise treatment plans.

“Supervision of hospital administrators and oversight of market prices are insufficient,” Hu said.

Hu said medical corruption is an extremely complicated issue. Despite challenges, the campaign should be press ahead firmly, as it also presents an opportunity to rebuild doctor-patient relationships and reform drug procurement systems.

“It is essential to mobilize hospitals to return to the function of saving lives and treating people’s ailments as public welfare, rather than being driven by making profits,” he said.

“Governments, charity organizations and foundations can join efforts to step up investment to hospitals (to ease financial pressure).”

Hu also suggested imposing stricter oversight of key shareholders, such as hospital presidents and secretaries, department heads and doctors, to ensure that their priority is to enhance medical skills and address illnesses, instead of maximizing income.

“It is also important to increase bonuses and housing subsidies for medical workers while nurturing a healthy ethical culture among them,” he said.

Hu added that more rules and regulations should be introduced to standardize drug procurement and sales procedures, and pricing mechanisms for medical products.

“More funds should be invested to support enterprises making basic medications that have a slim profit margin. In the meantime, favorable policies can be rolled out to support manufacturers creating more costly and advanced drugs for patients in need,” he said.
